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New Year concerts at the IRLC

 29 december 2018

There is a tradition at our Institute to organize New Year concerts at the end of December. The performers in these concerts are students themselves. They show their talents in singing, acting, dancing, playing musical instruments and other things.

Traditionally the first concert is organized by the students of Russian Language Department. The students talked with Ded Moroz and Snegurochka first and then presented what they had prepared. We heard some old and beloved Russian songs, covers on Russian rock-songs, poems declared in 5 different languages including Russian and other interesting performances.

The next was the turn of the Pre-University Department. They showed some plays and sang songs, and the concert was cheerful and interesting. Almost of the plays were shown in Russian - our students speak Russian better and better every day.

That was the end of the year 2018 at the IRLC. Happy holidays and see you in 2019!
