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Educational quest in the Tretyakov Gallery

 05 april 2019

Studying should be fun! Our teachers try to make the process of studying as interesting as possible, and they invent different forms of interaction with students. One of such classes is educational quest. This quest was organized by the IRLC teachers for their groups 54, 57, 91 and 68 in the Tretyakov Gallery, where students got to learn new things about Russian art masterpieces.

On the lesson at the Institute they students learned about the history of this museum and some biography facts of its founder - Pavel M. Tretyakov and also learned the stories behind some of the paintings from his collection. Having learned that the students went to the Gallery and had to find the painting by their description and to write down their names and the names of the painters. Everyone was very excited about this class. The students took the task enthusiastically and with great pleasure tried to find the paintings. The next day they shared their experience with the rest of the group. Students told which paintings they found and which they couldn't, showed the photos of the paintings that they liked most of all and explained what made these paintings special for them.

The students loved this type of work and asked their teachers to organize the same classes in other museums of Moscow.
